Friday, March 12, 2010

Cross Training

I was curious what folks do for cross training. I'm dabbling here and there with Yoga, spin, lifting, and the biking or stationary bike. There are benefits of each but I'm finding it too easy to get carried away with the cross training, and not spending enough time running.  I'm trying to spin twice a week, do yoga once a week, and do weight lifting once a week while running four days a week.

Does anyone have ideas on how to balance this?

1 comment:

  1. My philosophy is to spend 90% of my training time running and the other 10% on whatever I deem necessary. Unfortunately "whatever is necessary" depends on what kind of athlete you are. For myself, coming from a background of soccer and with a fairly solid (read: muscular) physique, I spend a lot less time lifting weights than someone with a more naturally slender physique probably should.

    I try to mainly balance core and flexibility, typically switching off days and sometimes skipping a day if I don't have time. If I find myself with some extra time on any given night, I'll do the whole she-bang of core, general strengthening and flexibility.

    I'm not sure if this really answers your question, but that's my take on it. Running is a sport that requires a lot of self-evaluation and analysis in order to determine where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Once you identify those weaknesses, target your cross training to those specific areas.
